Biotechnology Information Institute

Our IP is For Sale!  This includes the domain names,, and dozens of other 'BIOPHARMA(ceutical)' industry domains.

The Biotechnology Information Institute (BII) has serially developed unique high-end information resources (most archived, not currently marketed) and provides consulting serving critical needs of the biotechnology and pharmaceutical communities, particularly concerning biopharmaceuticals, their manufacturing (bioprocessing); the biopharma industry and related information resources, competitive intelligence, market research, etc.  As a sole proprietorship, Ronald A. Rader, President, is responsible for all of BII's products information resources including: 
  1. BIOPHARMA: Biopharmaceutical Products in the U.S. and European Markets:  Still the only substantive (database equivalent to >2000 pages) biopharmaceutical products reference, particularly covering products's biotech, regulatory and commercial (i.e., non-medical) aspects
  2. Biosimilars/Biobetters Pipeline Directory (  Formerly the most extensive biosimilars (and biobetters, biogenerics, etc.) pipeline information resource
  3. Antiviral Agents Bulletin:  For 15 years (1987-2003) the only industry periodical specializing in antiviral drug and vaccine development (32 pages/month; over 5,500 pages; also online database)
  4. Federal Bio-Technology Transfer Directory:  Covered all federal, e.g., NIH, inventions (patents) and technology transfers (licenses) in the biotechnology/biomedical areas (687-page book in 1994; online database to 2000)

BII is currently concentrating on divesting its IP. 

BIOPHARMA: Biopharmaceutical Products in the U.S. and European Markets
  • archived database (up to ~2012/3) now free online
  • Emphasis on products' biotechnology and commerical aspects
  • In-depth descriptive and analytical monographs, with in-depth indexing and relational links
  • Recognized as the essential reference for all concerned with biopharmaceuticals - See the reviews.

Consulting: BII offers consulting specializing in information retrieval and analysis, competitive intelligence, technology assessment, market research, real-world problem solving and information resources development/publishing concerning biotechnology and pharmaceutical products, research, development, technologies, patents/technology transfer, marketing and public affairs. See Mr. Rader's bio and full resume

Contact information:

    Ronald A. Rader
    Biotechnology Information Institute
    Rockville, MD 20852
    Phone: 301-424-0242

    Phone is the most reliable contact method.